16-Number Lottery – Strategy to Win All Year Round

16-Number Lottery

The 16-number lottery set is no longer too strange to many lottery players recently. With a simple way of playing, it does not require too much capital. This method is increasingly receiving attention from lottery players in the profession. In this article, Hawkplay will share with you how to raise the set of numbers most effectively.

What is the introduction of the 16-number lottery?

The 16-number lottery set is a popular way to play the lottery, including choosing 16 numbers in the range from 00 to 99 to bet on in a lottery draw. Players will have to spend a certain amount of money to participate in this lottery and have a chance to win.

To calculate the probability of winning this method, you can use the following formula: P(winning 16-number set lottery set) = (1/10)^16 

In there:

  • P(winning a set of 16 numbers) is the probability of winning a set of 16 numbers
  • 1/10 is the probability of each number appearing in a prize.
  • 16 is the number of numbers in the set of numbers

For example: Suppose you play a 16-number set lottery lottery consisting of numbers from 00 to 15. The probability of winning all 16 numbers is: P(winning all 16 numbers) = (1/10)^16 = 1/10,000,000,000,000,000

⇒ This means that the probability of hitting all 16 numbers is very low, almost impossible.

The most effective methods to create 16-number set lottery lottery sets

The 16-number lottery set is a popular lottery playing method, used by many players because of its high winning rate and large profits. However, creating 16 effective pairs of numbers requires players to have extensive knowledge.

Number matching method

This is the most basic method, suitable for those new to the lottery. To create a set of 16 numbers by combining numbers, you need to perform the following steps:

Choose any pair of numbers as the first number

Pair this number with 8 other pairs of numbers to form 8 different numbers.

Combine these numbers in order from smallest to largest to create a set of 16 numbers.

Yin and Yang Shadow Method

The most effective methods to create 16-number set lottery lottery sets
The most effective methods to create 16-number set lottery lottery sets

The method of yin and yang balls is based on the theory of yin and yang and the five elements in Eastern culture. Accordingly, each lottery number will have a corresponding yin and yang ball number. To create a 16-number lottery set using this method, you need to identify the pairs of yin and yang ball numbers in the lottery results table. Then, you combine these numbers together to create.

Statistical methods

The statistical method is based on statistical data on past lottery results. You need to count the frequency of each pair of numbers appearing in a certain period of time. Then, you choose the pairs of numbers with the highest frequency of appearance to create the 16 most effective pairs of numbers.

Method of divination

Prediction is a method of predicting lottery results based on signs and rules in the results table. There are many different ways to predict, such as Prediction by total number, prediction by dropped numbers, prediction by special prizes, etc. You can choose a strategy that you feel is most effective to use.

Analysis of 16 number set lottery betting strategy

Statistically, playing a 16-number lottery set based on a random set of numbers has a very low chance of winning, as there are up to 100 possible choices. The probability of winning the first prize is only 1/100, equivalent to 1%.

However, some people still choose to play a series of bets to increase their chances of winning. By choosing randomly or applying certain formulas, to increase their chances of winning.

  • Some players will choose these pairs of numbers to play, hoping that they will come in the coming days.
  • Yin and Yang balls are pairs of numbers that add up to 10. Some players will choose these pairs to play a series because they often tend to come together.
  • The sum of the previous special prize is the sum of the last two numbers. Some players will choose numbers with a sum equal to the sum of the prize to bet on, hoping that they will appear in the next draw.
  • Some players will pick numbers that they see other people winning. They believe that these numbers may continue to come up in future draws.

Notes when playing 16-number lottery effectively

When playing the 16-number lottery, players need to pay attention to the following points to increase their chances of winning:

  • Choose a nice set of numbers: This is one of the most important factors in playing a set of 16 numbers. You should choose numbers with a high frequency of appearance, and avoid choosing numbers that are too rare or too flat.
  • Divide your playing capital: Don’t put all your money into one game, instead, divide your playing capital into small bets. This will help you limit your risk and increase your chances of winning.
  • Bet evenly every day: Don’t just focus on betting on one number on a fixed day, but bet evenly throughout the week. This will help you increase your chances of winning and avoid losing too much.
  • Don’t bet too many numbers: A set of 16 numbers is already quite a large number, however, if you want to increase your chances of winning, you can consider betting a few more numbers. However, you should not bet too many numbers, as this will reduce the winning rate and increase the risk of loss.
  • Bet on the bridge: When playing, you should regularly monitor the lottery results to find good bridges. When you see a bridge with a high probability of coming out, focus on betting on that bridge.

Mistakes to avoid when playing 16 number lottery

Mistakes to avoid when playing 16 number lottery
Mistakes to avoid when playing 16 number lottery

Playing the 16-number lottery is a popular form of lottery because the probability of winning is higher than playing the usual way. However, to win, players need to avoid making the following mistakes:

Play too many numbers

Although the probability of winning is high, if you play too many numbers, the amount of money spent will be very large and it will be difficult to recover the capital. Ideally, players should only play 10-12 numbers, and avoid playing 15-16 numbers because the probability of winning will be very low.

Not calculated carefully

You need to calculate carefully and look carefully to find the numbers with the highest probability of coming out. Avoid playing based on emotions or other people’s advice, because this can cause you to lose money.

Bet on the topic based on your feelings

Many people play the lottery according to their preferences, their date of birth or that of their relatives, or the numbers they see in their dreams… This is a way of playing that lacks calculation and has no basis, leading to a very low chance of winning.

Chasing the cast for too long

There are some players who follow a set of numbers for too long, even though it has not come out for many days or even months, they still continue to play. This is not recommended because the probability of winning a set of numbers is not high, if you follow it for too long, you will lose a lot of money.

Poor capital management

Players need to manage their capital well. Avoid putting all their money into a single set of numbers, because this will cause you to lose everything if that set of numbers does not come out. Ideally, players should only use a small portion of their capital to play a set of numbers and divide that amount into many different sets.


The 16-number lottery set of Hawkplay will definitely be an effective strategy that you can choose when participating in the lottery. Just do it correctly, apply the lottery prediction methods and you can easily create for yourself the luckiest pairs of numbers.